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上海泛科自动化控制设备有限公司 (以下简称泛科自动化) 新版网站终于2024年新年上线了。泛科自动化的第一个网站伴随着公司,也已走过了近24个年头。泛科自动化是一家科技经营性企业,成立于2000年。公司主营为工业自动化和安全系统提供控制及测量传感器的集成、销售和技术咨询服务,承接环保工程,提供欧美日各种机电仪表设备产品及备品备件。公司的企业文化是做制造厂与用户的最好界面,为制造厂与用户提供最好的服务,我们一如既往,为实现我们的承诺不断前行。

公司销售 Emerson Rosemount公司国际一流的高准质量流量计、涡街、电磁流量计、微波物位计、压力变送器、分析仪表等各类传感器和过程控制系统, 销售Emerson Birkett享誉国际的安全泄压阀,销售业内著名CAI、Endress+Hauser、Honeywell、ABB、SIEMENS、Servomex等公司的自动化仪表和系统。供应AB、SIEMENS、GE等公司的PLC 产品。

泛科自动化销售 Woodward 伍德沃德公司用于 ITCC (先进的压缩机/透平综合控制系统) 的 TMR 三重化系统,用于气体、蒸汽、氢气、柴油透平及气体发动机的实时、高速、防喘振、系统顺序的辅助控制,在 ITCC 系统中发挥着极其重要的作用。

公司在环保水处理、石化、钢铁、罐区、发电、大型会议指挥中心设备的自动化控制等领域有一定业绩,与国外环保水处理制造厂和工程公司有深入的联系。在物位、流量、称重和 PLC/ DCS 系统集成方面有一定经验。对欧美日机电仪设备的备品备件有相应的探究,与供应商有广泛联络。

泛科自动化EXPO 2010 上海世博会参展商。2011年,被上海市企业发展促进研究会提名为 “诚信服务联盟企业” 并颁发证书。

泛科自动化提供在线网上技术咨询和交流。加拿大泛科技术公司向国内外客户提供以外汇结算的机电仪产品的进出口。多年来,泛科技术公司协同泛科自动化将产品的进出口做到了中国、中国香港、东南亚、 欧洲、北美及中东。产品有质量流量计、液位计、三重化控制系统及 PLC 备件、电厂备件、电磁阀等。还参与了离子电极、安全泄放阀的部分进出口工作。我们已开始建设跨境电商,我们热忱期望与海内外志同道合者携手努力、合作共赢。


新版网站在内容与版面设计上,我们加入了新平台,如百度爱采购、珍岛臻推宝,以专营店及腾讯系小程序的形式对专业产品进行立体介绍和营销。《自动化控制网》上海泛科网络科技有限公司协助泛科自动化在两年前主创发布的。自动化控制行业博大精深,其发端始于欧洲的工业革命时期,之后发展异常迅速,现在已经发展到了 FCS 第五代过程控制体系,它同时带动了其他相关行业的迅猛发展。而我们这个平台是定位于这个大平台中用于过程控制的测量传感器、仪器仪表与相关控制的垂直细分行业。旨在抛砖引玉,争取能成为广大用户的助手与好友。

由于这个行业产品的复杂性与特殊性,一个产品往往需要提供各种工况才能选型,而在此基础之上才能做出报价。由此产生了多种排列组合。本平台在 “产品分类” 中尝试用 “所见即所得” 的方法,引导客户根据所需厂商产品,用扫描二维码的办法直接到达所需产品制造商的网址。用户选型后递交平台报价,然后网上成交或线下签约。在 “名品荟萃” 中,平台综合展示了国内各大仪表自动化控制集团和分析仪表公司的产品。我们尊重知识产权,要努力学习欧美日跨国集团公司几十年乃至百多年卓越的专业成就与技术积淀,同时也相信国内公司会努力发展,与国外专业公司一起同台竞技。


我们有机会同时既在线下为大家做仪表自动化控制的专业销售和技术服务,又能在线上通过新媒体平台资源和广告更好地为我们的专业服务。相关内容欢迎请参阅自动化控制网的《加盟邀请》。在 “联系我们” 中,我们加入了国际主流社交媒体上泛科的联络方式。新版网站上所有板块都有英文提要。我们在为各行各业提供先进测控仪表和设备的工作中,在学习西方先进技术和管理体制的同时,更要继承我们的传统文化和展示我们的进步与创新。在全球经济一体化和多元文化交融的今天,海纳百川、与时俱进。

泛科- 广泛的科学,泛科自动化愿做东西方的一座桥梁,为中外客户朋友提供最好的产品、技术和服务。

我们的愿景是 服务南北工业,交流东西文化,这是一个崇高的使命。路漫漫修远兮,吾将上下而求索。我们学习、整顿,向着既定目标,再出发。

                                                                                                  About Us
Shanghai Frank Automation Control Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2000. The company's corporate culture is to "Make best interface between manufacturers and users, Provide best services for manufacturers and users."  We, as always, will continue to fulfill our commitments forward.

"Automation Control Network" was created and released two years ago by Frank Automation with the assistance of Frank Network Technology Co., Ltd. This platform is a vertical segmentation of measurement sensors, instrumentation and related controls used for process control. Aiming to inspire professionals and strive to become the assistants and friends of the majority of users.

The platform comprehensively displays the products of major domestic instrument automation control groups and analytical instrument companies. We respect intellectual property rights and must work hard to learn from the decades or even hundreds of years of European, American and Japanese multinational group companies years of outstanding professional achievements and technical accumulation.

Frank Automation has been engaged in process control and measurement all year round. It has good quality, price and pre-sales and after-sales technical support for many European, American, Japanese and domestic brands listed on the platform. Users and colleagues are welcome to choose and purchase on the platform with confidence. . The company will continue to provide excellent services.

In North America, Canadian Frank Technologies Co. collaborates with Frank Automation to import and export instrumentation and electrical products to China, Southeast Asia, Europe, North America, and the Middle East. Products include mass flow meters, liquid level meters, triple control systems, PLC spare parts, power plant spare parts, solenoid valves, etc. And also partly involved in the import and export of ion electrodes and safety relieve valves as well. We have seriously invested in the work of cross-border e-commerce and have added the contact information of mainstream international social media in "Contact Us". There are English feeds in all sections. We look forward to working with like-minded people and companies.

Our vision is to "serve North-South industry and exchange East-West culture", which is a noble mission. “The road is long and long, and we will explore it from top to bottom”. We will learn, organize, and set off again towards the set goal.

Welcome friends to visit Frank Technologies @ https://www.franktech.ca - our professional Flowmeter Depot, Smart Tower Oilfield Pumping Unit at Electromech Depot and Instrumentation/Electronics Depot.

Special reminder: The domestic and foreign instrument and automation control manufacturers listed on this website are all world famous giant companies in the industry, and their intellectual property rights and related information are owned by each manufacturer. This website is intended to serve as a starting point.

If you have any doubt or suggestions, please contact franktech@163.com

